Boogie Bounce
Thursday 6:30pm - 7:15pm
Aged 13+
£5 per session

Boogie Bounce uses High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) techniques to maximise the most effective fat burning process in the cardio section, whilst using the pliable surface of the mat to perform a range of core stability exercises. The aim isn’t to bounce high or perform gymnastic tricks, but to perform a series of small, controlled movements including our key moves – Froggin’, Stompin’ and the Paddle.
+ Fantastic Full Body Workout
+ Massive Calorie Burn and Weight Loss
+ Increased Metabolism
+ Relieves Stress
+ Low Impact on Joints and Ligaments
+ Reduces Cellulite
+ Suitable for All Ages, Shapes and Sizes
Meet your instructor Laura!
To put it simply......Laura was born to bounce! She is naturally a dancer and simply oozes with the rhythm and choreography required to be the best in the business when it comes to Boogie Bounce. Laura is a 2 time All England Adult Highland Dancing Champion an official RSOBHD adjudicator on the World Wide Panel and has travelled to dance in both India and China as well as touring UK and Europe as a professional Dancer.
Laura is also an official member and qualified Highland and National dance teacher with the BATD (British Association of Teachers of Dancing).
Be warned she might only be 5'3"......but she certainly knows how to keep you inline and get the best out of you on that BB trampoline!